I wanted to make a unique recipe as part of this channel's "Undesirable Meats" theme this month. I found a recipe on chocolate frogs' legs(yes, actual frog legs, not the ones mentioned in the Harry Potter series) and I was hoping to find frogs' legs at this Italian gourmet supermarket where I live. They didn't sell frogs' legs, apparently. While perusing through the store, I saw duck legs, which would make a good substitute for frogs legs. There was only one problem with that: each leg was $11 a piece! I'm not made of money, people! However, I did see pigs' feet. 4 of them sell for $3 at this store. Note: this recipe below will ONLY taste good if you use actual pigs' feet, not the type that are pickled and come in a can. Those may or may not be actual pigs' feet. The packaging looks suspicious to me. Apparently pickled pigs' feet is so gross that there are YouTube videos of the "pickled pigs' feet challenge". When you see a food challenge video on YouTube, it means one of two things: 1. There is an excessive amount of "normal" food like burgers or pizza that someone eats in a certain time frame(I'm looking at you, Matt Stonie!) 2. There is a tiny amount of a food so disgusting like pickled pigs feet or insects that someone tries to eat in one sitting. My dad must have thought of the second type of YouTube food challenge when he tried my chocolate pigs' feet because he spit it right out of his mouth and into the trash can! He said it tasted "interesting". My grandma thought it was too bland! To be fair, maybe it was the piece I sampled to her that was bland. This is the longest and most complex recipe I have made yet. The video even exceeds 10 minutes! There are 4 parts to this recipe. Long story short, you boil the pigs feet to remove the bones, then you eventually fry what's left of the feet. You will need: For the cooking utensils: A large pot with a lid 2 small bowls Plastic wrap A large bowl A medium bowl A frying pan Tongs A spatula 4 actual pigs' feet(see my note above about this) For boiling the pigs' feet: 6 cups of cooking wine, broth, stock, and/or balsamic vinegar(I used sake(Japanese rice wine), which I ran out of. Then I used balsamic vinegar, which I also ran out of. After that, I used vegetable stock I luckily had in the pantry)) Onion powder* Marjoram(or oregano, basil, or thyme)* Salt* Black Pepper* Ground up peppercorns* *Normally I would say how much of the asterisked items to put in but that's really up to you. For the filling: 3/4 cups of baking chips(I used holiday baking chips because that's what I had on hand) 3 tbsp. of whipped cream For the frying process: 3 beaten and whisked eggs 1 cup of all-purpose flour Nondairy creamer(I didn't measure how much I put in; you could use whatever flavor of creamer you want but I used Mexican chocolate creamer because I thought that would be cool to use) 1 cup of panko breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. of cocoa powder Cooking oil(I used avocado oil for the first batch and olive oil for the second batch; I ran out of avocado oil after the first batch and I only had olive oil on hand) For the chocolate BBQ sauce: 1 cup of BBQ sauce(I used generic sweet and tangy BBQ sauce) 1 tbsp. of cocoa powder 1. Put the pigs' feet and all ingredients for boiling the pigs' feet in the large pot. You want the pigs' feet to be fully submerged in the liquid of your choice. 2. Bring the pot to a boil on the stove. Putting a lid on top of the pot will make it boil faster. 3. Bring the pot to a simmer for 4 hours. 4. When the pot is almost done simmering, mix the filling ingredients together in a small bowl. 5. Microwave the filling ingredients for 30 seconds. 6. Mix the filling ingredients together again and keep stirring so the filling doesn't harden. 7. After the pot is done simmering, take the pigs' feet out of the pot. Drain the remaining liquid in a colander to get rid of any excess fat that may have risen up during the simmering process. Then discard the liquid. 8. Debone the pigs' feet. Discard the bones. Do not feed the bones to dogs due to choking hazards! At this point, deboning the feet should be super easy since the meat falls off the bone. 9. Put each deboned pigs' foot on top of a piece of plastic wrap. Flatten the feet out using your hands. 10. Put a spoonful of filling on the pigs' feet. 11. Wrap the pigs' feet up in the plastic wrap into a sausage-like shape. They should look like pieces of s**t. I promise they won't taste that way! 12. Once all the pigs' feet are filled and wrapped up into "sausages", leave them in a refrigerator to set overnight. 13. After the "sausages" have set, unwrap them from the plastic wrap onto a plate. 14. Cut the "sausages" up into half-inch wide slices. 15. In a large bowl, mix the beaten, whisked eggs, flour, and nondairy creamer together to get a batter that is tan in color. 16. In a medium bowl, pour the panko breadcrumbs and cocoa powder in. Mix the two together until you get something that looks like Cocoa Krispies. 17. Using tongs, dredge each slice in the batter and coat them in the breadcrumbs. Depending on the type of frying pan you're using, you should get two batches worth of battered and coated slices. 18. Heat 1-2 inches of cooking oil in a frying pan. Once the oil is heated, use a spatula to put the slices in the oil. Watch out for the splashing hot oil! 19. Flip the slices underneath and move them around the pan for 2-3 minutes. Make sure the slices don't stick together. 20. If you need to make a second batch, repeat steps 18 and 19. 21. In a small bowl, mix the BBQ sauce and cocoa powder together. Pour the chocolate BBQ sauce on top of the fried chocolate pigs' feet. 22. Bon appetit!
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October 2019